المصرية للسيارات

2 ابراج المروة ش احمد تيسير, كلية البنات, مصر الجديدة, القاهرة بجوار كلية البنات - جامعة عين شمس

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اكتشف الأعمال المشابهة بالقرب منك!

اظهر الخريطة

التقييمات والتعليقات


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Taher Aly

Elmasria has become one of the largest stores for selling cars in the recent years. It has opened many branches to cover most of Cairo. However, its customer service representatives lack the customer service skills even the basics. My experience in this branch was dramatically awful; I went with my wife to enquire about new cars’ models and prices. While we were parking our car, we saw a fight between one of their car cleaners with his supervisor. Their voices were high and their colleagues were trying to separate them, actually it was very negative from all the workers. Anyway, we entered the place and found no customer service representative and when we asked those standing at the entry door, they said just wait inside and they would come now. We found many customers inside the place with no one to answer their queries. We waited for nearly quarter of an hour and kept asking for a customer service rep till he finally arrived. The customer service rep didn’t apologize for being late and wasn’t friendly so we simply left and decided not to go there again.

ارسل رسالة إلى المصرية للسيارات للحصول على المزيد من المعلومات

هل لديك صلة بهذا العمل؟

إثبات ملكيتك أو صلتك بهذا العمل تتيح لك إمكانية تحديث معلومات شركتك على هذا الموقع.

التصنيفات (1)

معارض سيارات جديدة


ش عدلى,بجوار مدرسة ناصر الثانوية بنين اسيوط, اسيوط 23 ش فوزى معاذ,قريب من اديداس سموحة, الاسكندرية القطعة 33, المنطقة الصناعية ابو رواش, الجيزة 2 ش جامعة الدول العربية,خلف مصر للاسواق الحرة المهندسين, الجيزة 264 ش البحر الاعظم,بجوار الاهلى للصرافة المهندسين, الجيزة 5 ش المنصورية, متفرع من ش الهرم الهرم, الجيزة كم 28,داخل داندى ميجا مول - الدور B1 طريق القاهرة الاسكندرية الصحراوى, الجيزة ش الجيش,امام الاستاد الرياضى طنطا, الغربية 52 ش النصر الدهار, الغردقة 52 أ ش النصر, تقسيم ش النادى الدهار, الغردقة القطعة 197, تقسيم الحرفيين,بجوار د. جريش للزجاج جنوب الغردقة, الغردقة كورنيش النيل, برج سرايا المعادى,بجوار مستشفى السلام الدولى المعادى, القاهرة , خدمة العملاء المعادى, القاهرة , عمارة الاوقاف,بجوار مستشفى دمياط العام دمياط, دمياط

التقييمات والتعليقات


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1 - 1 تقييم

Taher Aly

Elmasria has become one of the largest stores for selling cars in the recent years. It has opened many branches to cover most of Cairo. However, its customer service representatives lack the customer service skills even the basics. My experience in this branch was dramatically awful; I went with my wife to enquire about new cars’ models and prices. While we were parking our car, we saw a fight between one of their car cleaners with his supervisor. Their voices were high and their colleagues were trying to separate them, actually it was very negative from all the workers. Anyway, we entered the place and found no customer service representative and when we asked those standing at the entry door, they said just wait inside and they would come now. We found many customers inside the place with no one to answer their queries. We waited for nearly quarter of an hour and kept asking for a customer service rep till he finally arrived. The customer service rep didn’t apologize for being late and wasn’t friendly so we simply left and decided not to go there again.

هل لديك صلة بهذا العمل؟

إثبات ملكيتك أو صلتك بهذا العمل تتيح لك إمكانية تحديث معلومات شركتك على هذا الموقع.